2020. 2. 12. 06:43ㆍ카테고리 없음
Custom Mapping Team, or CMT, is comprised of some of the Halo community's oldest, best, and brightest talent, brought together under the common goal of making the most complete, fresh, and entertaining Halo 1 campaign mod in the game's long and storied history. As the culmination of several years of work and experience, SPv3 is the most comprehensive modification of Halo 1's campaign yet, extensively revising and adding to the core gameplay while almost completely overhauling the visuals and audio. This first release contains the level 'The Truth and Reconciliation,' or 'a50.'
Eschaton is the most advanced Halo PC/MD map editor, which comes. But when CMT releases the second part of SPV3, it would be nice to. It is the best/most advanced tool for Halo editing on Mac in my humble opinion. Halo: Combat Evolved Windows, Mac, XBOX game. It is the final Halo CE project for many of CMT's members - a labor of love and hate spanning almost three years of development. TSC:E makes use of Open Sauce, a community-made game extension that enables many new features, from upgraded visuals to new gameplay mechanics.
Future releases will continue to refine and build upon the groundwork laid here, with new additions and major enhancements retroactively applied after significant milestones. Make sure to regularly check the official forum at for more information and updates on future releases, along with developer updates and exclusive media! Special note: if you're getting low FPS while using Open Sauce (regardless of version), the manual has a section with tips on how to get better performance. Here's a short version if you are lazy: -Disable motion blur (CMT extras or ppmotionblurenabled false in console) -Disable FXAA (CMT extras or ppfxaaenabled false in console) -Disable all postprocessing (ppunloade in console) -Decrease texture quality (video settings menu) -Decrease screen resolution (video settings menu) There are two different maps you can download - which one you want depends on whether or not you plan on installing Open Sauce. The.map can be played with or without Open Sauce, but is missing several secondary visual and gameplay features that rely on OS scripting and memory boosts. The.yelo (this version) can only be played with Open Sauce, but contains the complete experience.
Specifically, it includes: -Full-resolution textures -Battle Rifle singleshot/burst shot toggling -VISR mode -Features in pause menu for changing Open Sauce-related settings -Assorted easter eggs If you have any questions or issues (or want to see this information more in-depth), make sure you read the included CMT Manual first! For the.yelo version, you must have the latest version of Open Sauce installed (if you don't, get it from its Google Code Page:.) We highly recommend you install OS (and you need it for this version!) - the process incredibly simple and non-intrusive, and the benefits are immense. The only requirement is that you update a properly installed copy of Halo Custom Edition to 1.09 and do not use XFire while you are playing the game (seriously, even having the XFire process running can make Open Sauce crash, so make sure that you’ve completely ended the program's process!) More info at http://www.halomods.com/ips/index.php?/topic/449-release-cmt-spv3-the-truth-and-reconciliation/.
Use Chimera. Install to add support for resolutions up to 4800x3600. For custom resolutions, see. Install (latest alpha build). Start the game and press to open the in-game console.
Halo Cmt Spv3
Type in chimerawidescreenfix 1 - Fixes the HUD (mostly). Type in chimerasafezones true - Emulate Xbox safe zones. Type in chimerasniperhudfix true - Fixes the sniper HUD. (May not work on protected maps). Type in chimeravfov 1 - Locks to a specific vertical FOV.
1 defaults to 55.41 degrees or Halo’s standard FOV. Type in chimerablockletterbox true - Disables the letterbox effect in cutscenes. Press again to close the console. Use command line arguments Start the game with the -vidmode w,h,r. This forces the game to run at the width(w), height(h), and refresh(r) specified. Example: -vidmode 1920,1080,144. Alternatively you can create a batch file.
Create an empty text file and rename it to RunCustom.bat. Edit the file by right clicking and selecting edit. write executable.exe -vidmode w,h,r, with executable the name of your executable and w for width, h for height, and r for refresh rate. Example: haloce.exe -vidmode 1920,1080,60.
Start the game by running RunCustom.bat. Use haloThirdFov.exe. Download.
Extract haloThirdFov.exe from halothirdfov.zip and copy it to. Make sure the game executable file is named haloce.exe. If it isn't rename it accordingly. Run haloThirdFov.exe and then run haloce.exe while haloThirdFov.exe is kept open. Use. and / on numpad to switch fov between original and manual. Use + and - on numpad to adjust fov.
You can also change the default keys and set FOV manually on haloThirdFov.exe. Recommended FOV is 86 degrees for 16:9 aspect ratio, and 80 degrees for 16:10.
Use command line arguments Start the game with the -use21. Alternatively you can create a batch file. Create an empty text file and rename it to RunCustom.bat.
Edit the file by right clicking and selecting edit. write executable.exe -use21, with executable the name of your executable. Example: haloce.exe -use21. If you're using a batch file for custom resolutions, you can add -use21 after it as such: executable.exe -vidmode w,h,r -use21. Example: haloce.exe -vidmode 1920,1080,60 -use21. Start the game by running RunCustom.bat.
Input settings. Add the sound card to the config.txt file citation needed. Go to the and expand the Sound, video and game controllers section. Right-click on the primary playback device (Example: ASUS Essence STX II) and click Proporties. Go to the Details tab and change the Property listbox to show the Hardware IDs.
Write down the Vendor ID (Example: VEN13F6) and the Device ID (Example: DEV8788). Open config.txt. Press Ctrl+ F and type 0x plus the Vendor ID (Example: 0x13F6) and click Find Next to see if the Vendor ID is already listed in the config. //If the AudioVendor already exists: 0xDEVID = 'Sound Card Name' // EXAMPLE: 0x8788 = 'ASUS Essence STX II' HeadRelativeSpeech EnableStopStart break //If the AudioVendor doesn't exist: AudioVendor = 0xVENDORID 'Vendor Name' // EXAMPLE: AudioVendor = 0x13F6 'C-Media' 0xDEVICEID = 'Sound Card Name' // EXAMPLE: 0x8788 = 'ASUS Essence STX II' HeadRelativeSpeech EnableStopStart break Broken main menu background flyby.